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For men whose erectile dysfunction is associated with blood vessel integrity or nerve degeneration, PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy could help achieve stronger erections and increased sensation. During your private consultation, we will carefully analyze your physical condition to determine if you are a good candidate for the P-Shot erectile dysfunction treatment. We serve men throughout Walnut Creek, CA. Call today!
When injected into the penis, concentrated platelets taken from your blood can help regenerate the microcapillary system and stimulate the regrowth of sensory nerves. Prior to the P-Shot injection, a numbing cream will be used to desensitize the penis and minimize any pain or discomfort during treatment. We will then inject the PRP into the shaft and head of the penis. Once your treatment is complete, you will experience little downtime and temporary bruising. You can even resume sexual intercourse within just 1-2 days!
One of the most innovative treatments today does not require any incisions, artificial ingredients, or lengthy recovery time—all it takes is a bit of your body’s own blood. Of course, we are talking about PRP. PRP, or platelet rich plasma, utilizes cells within your blood to stimulate your body’s natural healing response and achieve incredible, versatile benefits.
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See how Lavoro Laser in Walnut Creek can help you achieve your sexual fulfillment goals.